EP32: Max Büsser & Friends MB&F 手錶收藏家 FT @watchinery

Founder of MB&F SA

Introduction 開場介紹
Your collection 手錶收藏
Your instagram 你的IG
ROBO Toy – Xeno 在一家賣“臭豆腐”的中餐館工作

USD$3500 推薦表- Maghnam Madar Bespoke


@horonlogy if Max Busser decides to collab with your least favorite brand, would you still buy it? 😜 

@watchbiao Why is MB&F your favorite brand? Did you always like avant-garde designs?

@biaoist   Could you share your thoughts on the fellow Singaporean brand of azimuthwatch on why they are not as successful as other Swiss brand? 

@horomariobro What do you think of KuronoTokyo?

@ialienam How did you take such amazing watch photography?

Your Watch Photography & design illustration 手錶攝影跟畫圖

Watch GTG 表聚

IG 推薦




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